
On and Off the Highway

Auto accidents result in many of the personal injury claims that are filed in our courts. And while we have years of experience in handling all sorts of car accident cases, the classic two-car crash is just the beginning. Injuries may also happen when a car or road is not designed or maintained properly. Some take transportation for granted, but too often the automobiles we purchase and the streets we drive on can cause devastating harm.

In addition to handling many cases involving two or more colliding cars, our firm also has experience with more off-beat matters, including injuries suffered when an airbag fails to open up when it should, as well as cases involving hazards on the side of the road such as misleading signs, or inadequate drainage.

If you have been injured in any transportation-related incident, you may be entitled to compensation. We are happy to discuss your options with you.

p.s. Did we forget to mention motorcycles, bicycles, buses, skimobiles and trucks?

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